The quality of our relationships and collaboration with others depends on how well we understand ourselves and can relate to other people who might think and behave differently.
Cultural Intelligence is the ability to see the same situation from different perspectives. In a rapidly changing world and multicultural environment we live in, Cultural Intelligence becomes one of the key competences that defines success of our collaboration and communication with people who think and behave differently.
In collaboration with ICQ Globalwe are thrilled to offer you a research-based, data driven and human-centered solution that helps unlock potential within and between people.
8 out of the 9 most critical skills and mindsets are directly linked to Cultural Intelligence, how much people understand themselves and others. This is where common sense and good intention can backfire.
Over 90% of companies buy and sell people solutions designed for the challenges of organisations in the 60s and 70s. Today we live in a completely different world.
ICF accredited, multi award-winning solution to level up performance within and between people across all cultures and personalities.
Standard DISC and other psychometric models explain WHAT the different
personality types are and HOW they tend to behave if they are not influenced by their cultural background and others around them.
Global Disc™️ adresses the influence of cultural background and other people around on one's behaviour. It gives the blueprint to leverage differences to rapidly drive engagement and teamwork.
It allows to assess the invisible layer of diversity - cognitive diversity, which helps to turn diversity into inclusive environment where people thrive and perform at their best.
Diversity is much more than combination of visual differences. It also includes cognitive diversity - different ways of thinking, different perspectives.
People have different ways of working and solving problems which can lead to faster innovation, but also can cause lots of stress and tention when there is a lack of psychological safety, motivation and inclusion.
As a combination of differences, diversity can be a great asset or liability depending on the level of Cultural Intelligence.
Adressing and mindfully working with Psychological Safety, Motivational drivers and Cognitive Diversity you will be able to experience the real value and effect of diversity and inclusion.
We measure three forces that can make or break a team. They are cognitive diversity, psychological safety and motivational drivers.
Psychological Safety includes assessment of such team elements as Courage, Vulnerability, Inclusivity and Collaboration.
Motivational Drive includes evaluation of such aspects as Accountability, Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose.
Cognitive Diversity allows us to examine hidden potential and create better conditions for team collaboration, growth and development.
Growth Zone™️ framework helps you get a full picture of where your team is currently at, which factors influence its performance, and provides you with strategic guidance on how to bring and sustain them in Growth Zone.
Let's discuss how Cultural Intelligence can benefit your growth and how it can impact the way you lead, communicate, collaborate and serve the needs of your employees, clients and partners.